The true story of a wolf’s incredible five-month wanderings across wilderness Alaska spanning nearly 3,000 miles
Mountaineers Books, ISBN-10 : 1680516132.
$18.95 plus $3.65 postage. $19.60
“A most remarkable and fascinating book, Walker’s landmark story recounting the day-to-day epic journey and survival of Wolf 258 is a must read for anyone who wants to learn about the lives of wild wolves―and how this most amazing peripatetic male was able to survive despite a range of dangers, both wild and human. I hope that The Wanderer will make people deeply reflect on how coexisting with wolves is not only good for wild animals, but also good for our own well-being.”
“A precise, lyrical account of an exceptional animal’s life. In The Wanderer, Tom Walker takes us on a journey through the harsh, beautiful, and changing landscape of the Far North. ”
“A fascinating and informative story of a lone wolf’s journey across the Arctic, The Wanderer once again highlights the meticulous photography, writing, research and vast experience of Tom Walker, one of Alaska’s most dedicated and masterful artists.”
“This unforgettable portrait and travelogue of an individual Alaska gray wolf gorgeously and thoughtfully illuminates issues for the species and for all Arctic wildlife.”